Meet the Candidates: Hays Dubberly for Mr. Ole Miss

Meet Hays Dubberly, a biochemistry major from Jackson, Mississippi, one of five 2020 Mr. Ole Miss candidates. Dubberly’s platform for Mr. Ole Miss is based on promoting mental health wellness for students at the University of Mississippi during the COVID-19 pandemic. Dubberly is selling t-shirts for $18 a piece that can be purchased on Venmo: HaysDubberlyForMrOleMiss (buyers must include name, address, and size). Proceeds will be donated to the William Magee Center.
“I’m really passionate about this issue because I think this is a serious issue, particuarly among 18 to 24-year-olds,” Dubberly said. “Everybody has a story.”
Ole Miss students will be able to vote for their favorite candidates beginning at 7 a.m. and ending at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, September 29.
Video by Lydia Smith, IMC student