Gunn and local legislators will open floor to ideas from the public.
The Mississippi Legislature meets three months (four months during the first session of the new term) out of the year in Jackson. Many of Mississippians are passionate and want their voices heard. Some people mail letters, compose e-mails, or set up appointments with their local representative or senator.
For those who don’t find the time to correspond or visit Jackson, during the week on October 7, Speaker of the House Philip Gunn is setting out to visit towns around Mississippi in an effort to create an idea-sharing, solution-inspiring forum for all Mississippians. The Speaker and local Legislators will be at the Oxford Conference Center on Tuesday, October 8, at 9 a.m.
“Mississippi Solutions—an Ideas Tour” is a non-partisan town hall-style meeting for all Legislators, citizens and the press.
“The purpose of these meetings is to get into communities and hear ideas Mississippians have for improving our State,” said Speaker Gunn. “Last year, we received an overwhelmingly positive response. A variety of people from all different backgrounds attended these meetings and shared some of their biggest concerns and opinions regarding core issues most Mississippians grapple with daily. This year, I want to focus on how we can fix those problems. We hope to collect a lot of good information. However, we expect those who come to these meetings to tell us how they think these problems need to be solved. Let me know how you think your elected officials should be solving the issues that matter the most to you.”
Each meeting will last one hour.
Monday, October 7
8:00 a.m.—Clinton, Clinton Municipal Court
Address: 305 Monroe Street, Clinton, 39056
1:00 p.m.—Clarksdale, City Council Chambers
Address: 121 Sunflower Ave., Clarksdale, 38614
5:30 p.m.—Olive Branch, Municipal Court building (behind City Hall)
Address: 6900 Highland St., Olive Branch, 38654
Tuesday, October 8
9:00 a.m.—Oxford, Oxford Conference Center
Address: 102 Ed Perry Blvd., Oxford, MS, 38655
1:00 p.m.—Corinth, City Hall
Address: 300 Childs Street, Corinth, 38834
5:30 p.m.—Starkville, Hunter Henry Center, Mississippi State University (MSU)
Address: 1 Hunter Henry Blvd., MSU, 39762
Wednesday, October 9
9:00 a.m.—Vicksburg, Vicksburg Convention Center, Meeting Room 1
Address: 1600 Mulberry Street, Vicksburg, 39183
5:30 p.m. Natchez, Natchez Convention Center, Room TBD
Address: 211 Main Street, Natchez, 39120
Thursday, October 10
8:00 a.m.—Laurel, Train Depot
Address: 230 North Maple St., Laurel
1:00 p.m.—Pascagoula, The Grand Magnolia
Address: 3604 Magnolia Street, Pascagoula, 39567