Express Computer Service Busy and Growing

Photo taken from Facebook
Photo taken from Facebook

Students and locals with electronics issues keeping Kyle McGrevey and his staff on their toes.

Ole Miss once again this year broke freshman enrollment records. That means more computers and more computer accidents on campus. These factors are keeping Express Computer Service on Jackson busy.

Opened in March, 2004, Express Computer Service has been helping reverse electronics damage inflicted by Oxford residents and Ole Miss students alike. Kyle McGrevey, owner and operator of Express Computer Service, says he decided to start the business while he was working at the help desk in Weir Hall on the Ole Miss campus.

“I saw the demand for it, and I knew how to fix computers,” McGrevey said. “I got a side job to make a little money when I was in undergrad and within weeks of working there I realized people needed this all the time, and I knew how to fix it all. I started handing out my card to students, and it just grew from there.”

While Express Computer Service does repair computers, the store’s experts also repair other devices such as iPhones, iPods iPads and any kind of laptop or desktop problems. They also have some computers for sale, and Express Computer will also help customers build their own computers for a very reasonable price.

“We’re getting more and more into new computer retail sales. People will come in and ask me what computer they should buy, and I’ll have one for them,” McGrevey said. “We do a really customized deal where we’ll set it all up for them, move their stuff over, deliver it to their house and get it running on their printer. That’s becoming more of our business.”

McGrevey was studying to get his degree in electrical engineering at Ole Miss when business began to pick up. He decided to focus on the business full time his last semester.

Even though he is not originally from Oxford, McGrevey says that he loves Oxford and that he enjoys living here because of the beautiful scenery and the people.

“Myself and all my guys here, we’ve been tinkering around with computers since we were little kids,” McGrevey said. “We were all building computers to play games on them in junior high. Everybody in here, including myself, has been pretty tech-savvy since we were kids. It’s nice to be able to do this for a job.”

Express has seen it’s fair share of famous clients, McGrevey says.

“NFL players who are ex-Rebels and live in town have come through, and we’ve had a couple of movie stars,” McGrevey said.

In addition to the famous clients, Express Computer Service has seen some odd computer damage. That includes students throwing up on or spilling beer on computers. McGrevey and his staff have seen some memorable cases.

Spilled beer on computers is a common problem. In fact, McGrevey says he sees a new computer almost every day with suds damage. But there is one story that sticks out involving a wild animal.

“I had a computer someone brought in that a raccoon or opossum had broken into the guy’s workshop and tore his computer up,” McGrevey said.

Fortunately, the staff was able to repair it by making a few minor repairs.

McGrevey feels up-fron diagnostics differentiates his store from other computer businesses. That way the customer can make the decision whether or not to go through with the repairs.

Express Computer Service is located at 1501 Jackson Avenue West in Oxford. You can contact them by calling 662-236-5670

Justin Taylor, Associate Editor,, 

–You can email Justin at