88 Years Old And Still Clowning Around

The annual Oxford Christmas Parade is fast approaching, and it will feature lights, music and fun for all ages. When they say all ages, they really mean it, as 88-year-old clown John Arrachea will be participating in the parade as he has done since moving to Oxford in 1972.

Arrachea was born in Tampico, Mexico in 1928 and moved to Texas before joining the Air Force in 1948. Upon his return from the Air Force and receiving his degree from the University of Arkansas at Monticello, Arrachea worked with the U.S Forest Service. While he enjoyed his work, Arrachea found his true passion at a Lions Club charity event in Arkansas in 1965. When men had to put dresses on, Arrachea had another idea. His wife sewed him an oversized harlequin costume stuffed with balloons.

“The clown bug bit me that night,” Arrachea said. ”There is a little clown inside of all of us waiting to pop out.”

Modeling his act after clown-greats Otto Griebling and Emmett Kelly Sr., Arrachea doesn’t say a word while performing. He noted that he is very quite in his day-to-day life as well, making it that much easier for him to jump back into character. Using his unique technique, Arrachea’s style has served him well throughout his clowning career, and he knows the impact it can have on people.

“I don’t ever talk when I’m clowning. I don’t do slapstick or make balloon animals; however, communicating without talking, changing expressions and gestures with only a few props, I spread joy, love and make someone smile, laugh and feel warm inside,” Arrachea said.

Supported by his wife and his makeup artist Lois, Arrachea has been able to share his passion with so many including his family. The Arracheas had two children, one son and one daughter. Arrachea remembers one of his first performances with his daughter and how special it was to share that with her.

“Lois sewed Katherine a costume identical to mine when she was 3,” Arrachea said. “I took her to my next performance and went out on stage; I tried a somersault and, of course, couldn’t do it, but then she did one, and she was great. My son paraded with me when he was little, too. I really enjoyed sharing those moments with the children.”

Oxford has gone through quite the change since Arrachea arrived in 1972, and his favorite memory of Oxford reminds him of a similar time.

“My favorite memory is the big hill in Avent Park when people would bring their meals, lay on the grass and pull their cars up to the park,” Arrachea said. “We’d use the truck beds as a stage and entertain all the people in the park, and they’d all say I was Pied Piper for all the children.”

When it comes to Arrachea’s participation in all of the parades, he doesn’t miss one. You can find him in the annual Fourth of July parades, Oxford’s Double Decker and the Christmas parades. While the longer parades aren’t as easy they used to be for the 88-year-old, Arrachea now rides a three-wheeled bicycle to help him to the end. Arrachea has a very specific place he likes to be during the parades for a little boost.

“I like to get right behind the band because it gives me the adrenaline I need to start shuffling and sashaying,” Arrachea said.

The art of clowning is something that Arrachea holds very dear to him, and he expressed how important it is to bring happiness to others.

“You look around the world, and there’s so much tragedy; and so I have always felt that if I could provide just a little bit of pleasure and laughter to someone to help them forget about their worries, even if just for a few minutes, that’s what brings me joy about what I do,” Arrachea said. 

See Photos of Arrachea below:

Arrachea with his Grandchildren
Arrachea with his Grandchildren
Arrachea in the 2016 4th of July Parade
Arrachea in the 2016 4th of July Parade


Arrachea and his Grandchildren at Double Decker 2007
Arrachea and his Grandchildren at Double Decker 2007

Steven Gagliano is a writer for HottyToddy.com. He can be reached at steven.gagliano@hottytoddy.com.

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