Oxonian Named North Mississippi Coordinator for Trump Re-election Campaign

By Alec Kyzer-Andre
Hottytoddy.com intern

Local Oxford resident Steve Vassallo has been named the North Mississippi coordinator for President Trump’s re-election campaign.

Steve Vassallo met Katrina Pierson, national spokesperson for Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign, in Washington D.C. prior to the election. File photo. 

Vassallo will be overseeing 33 counties for the 2020 election and will be responsible for campaign calling, recruiting volunteers, and working the polls, a big step up from the 2016 election in which he was the chairman for only Lafayette County.

Vassallo originally became involved with the Trump campaign after attending a rally in Biloxi where he felt inspired to join the cause.

“I’ve been involved with politics my whole life and the line to get in that rally was at least a mile and a half long. I have never seen anything like that in my life,” Vassallo said. “I told my wife that something unusual is happening, and once I got back to Oxford I knew I had to get involved with the campaign.”

Vassallo said he sees the state of Mississippi as an integral part of Trump’s re-election campaign.

“Mississippi is one of Trump’s top five states nationally,” he said. “I never want to get overly optimistic or overconfident, but if we don’t carry Mississippi he cannot be re-elected as president. It is that simple.”

He says his passion for politics keeps him going, as well as the potential impact the campaign could have on the country. 

“I believe it’s a cause that I need to be involved with for younger generations,” he said. “We need to leave something for people to be able to prosper and to be proud of our country. I think if Trump is not re-elected we’re going to go down a path that will ultimately destroy this country of ours.”

Vassallo encourages anyone who has an interest to get involved with the re-election campaign to email him at sovassallo@gmail.com.