Slam Dunk for Relay for Life

Photo By Miller Hollingsworth
Marshall Henderson in the Dunking Booth / Photo By Miller Hollingsworth

By Miller Hollingsworth, sophomore IMC major, Meek School of Journalism and New Media

A stroll past the Union on any given day may not seem like an exciting affair. Unless you’re walking by and see Marshall Henderson being catapulted into a tank of freezing cold water.

That’s exactly what happened this past Wednesday. From 10:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., students crowded around the front of the Union for the opportunity to dunk “campus favorites” for $2 –– all for the cause of Relay for Life.

Freshman Council, a student-led organization comprised of 50 freshman chosen to be student leaders, hosted the event that included watching Marshall Henderson and Miss Ole Miss Margaret Ann Morgan getting dunked into the water.

“We are so excited about all the people that came out to do it, especially the athletes,” says Summer Wigley, the freshman Relay for Life coordinator. “For them to come show their support for Relay for Life was really great.”

Although the event was full of laughs and fun, all of the members of Freshmen Council were even more happy about the fact that the proceeds went to a cause they couldn’t be more proud of.

“Relay for Life is the biggest service oriented event in which we’ve participated,” says Rod Bridges, freshman council president. “It’s such an awesome opportunity for us, as a collective student body, to come together and give back to our community and this wonderful organization.”

Wigley added, “We have been raising money for Relay for Life all year, and it’s going to be great to see everyone’s hard work pay off. Freshman Council is honored to be a part of the continuous efforts to find a cure for cancer.

Left to Right, Freshman Council members Rose Turner, Heather Neilson, Rod Bridges, and Mary Moses Hitt / Photo By Miller Hollingsworth
Left to Right, Freshman Council members Rose Turner, Heather Neilson, Rod Bridges, and Mary Moses Hitt / Photo By Miller Hollingsworth Covers Ole Miss Sports, Oxford Entertainment, Dining & More