Greeks shootin’ hoops for a good cause
By Christina Huck, senior journalism major, Meek School of Journalism and New Media
Friendly competition never hurt anyone, especially las Tuesday, when fraternity Phi Kappa Psi hosted its second annual Greek Final Four basketball tournament to raise money for the “1 Million for Anna” foundation.
“1 Million for Anna” is a research foundation benefitting the fight against Ewing’s Sarcoma, a rare disease in which cancer cells are found in the bone or soft tissue.
Last year, Phi Psi was able to raise $5,000 for the local Boys and Girls club.
“This year, we hope to raise more than that and continue raising the bar every year,” said Nolan Granzin, who was philanthropy chair last year and co-creator of the event.
Proceeds this year came from ticket sales, donations, team entry fees, Greek Final Four shorts and a portion of t-shirt sales.
This single elimination tournament, held at the Tad Smith Coliseum, was between fraternities Phi Kappa Psi, Phi Delta Theta, Kappa Alpha and Sigma Phi Epsilon.
Phi Psi beat Sig Ep, landing Phi Psi a spot in the final round against Phi Delt, who bested KA.
Along with the tournament, the charity event featured a sorority all star game between Sorority Row and Rebel Drive. The game was played before the championship boy’s game.
Leading up to the event, each sorority selected a queen who helped sell tickets and sold t-shirts to the event. Each Each sorority queen earned points toward being named the Greek Final Four Queen by selling tickets and t-shirts Points also were awarded for the best banner outside their perspective houses and in getting the most members of their sorority to attend.
This year’s queen was announced at half time of the sorority game. Alpha Omicron Pi’s Meagan Busalaki was crowned queen, and her sorority was awarded $500 toward their philanthropy of choice.
Phi Delt took home the trophy in the men’s championship game.
“I think the event went very well. We had a much better attendance turnout compared to last year, “ said Granzin. “We will continue to work hard and improve the Greek Final Four every spring.”