Arts & Entertainment
Enjoying the Lights of Christmas
Two members of the editorial team went on a Griswold-finding mission the other night.
We had heard about a couple of Oxford neighborhoods famous for their friendly competition in assembling a Christmas light show to rival National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation hero. We weren’t disappointed! We did learn that in some ways the Oxford Square is the quintessential Oxford neighborhood. Lights, decorations, revelers and the architecture combine there to dazzle the senses and delight the spirit.
That’s what we hope these images will do for you. Consider this Christmas card to you our readers.
And by the way, don’t feel bad that yours truly almost got arrested for loitering in front of some of these homes at night in my Ford Ranger so my shot-gun accomplice could snap her beautiful pictures leaning precariously out of the passenger-side window. Oh well, that’s a small price to pay for some Christmas cheer.
And yes in response to all you Cousin Eddie’s out there: I AM serious.