Oxford's "Square Routine" at Parks' Barber Shop
Parks’ Barber Shop Series – A busy daily “Square Routine” and barber shop, with a full compliment of barbers. Mr. Earnest Oliver, first chair by window, Mr. Lois Henderson, Mr. Wiley, Mr. Al Prestage, and probably Mr. Parks in back.
On the left is the Army Surplus store and the stairs going up to Mr. Christman’s guitar studio. On the right, the alley went all the way back to that parking lot. At top of stairs is Judge J. W. T. Falkner and Mr. J. W. Price’s lawyer offices. On the far right is the brick facade of North Mississippi Savings and Loan, now Boure’.
John Cofield is a hottytoddy.com writer and one of Oxford’s leading folk historians. He is the son of renowned university photographer Jack Cofield. His grandfather, Col. J.R Cofield, was William Faulkner’s personal photographer and for decades was Ole Miss yearbook photographer. Cofield attended Ole Miss as well.