In the News at UM: Kappa Delta Accepts Black Member
In news out of the University of Mississippi today the Daily Mississippian reports that Bianca Abney of Big Point, Miss. is the first African American Kappa Delta Sorority member on the Ole Miss campus.
Abney says she wanted to join KD instead of a traditionally black sorority because of the diversity she finds with Kappa Delta. “I’m glad I chose KD. I love all the girls in here,” the DM quoters her as saying.
Abney expresses apprehension about the rush process and admits she didn’t understand the Greek system traditions at first. She anticipated that her black friends would question her decision to join a previously all-white institution. She said she fell in love with KD while going through the recruitment process and is proud to live up to their motto: “Let us strive for that which is honorable, beautiful and highest.”

HIV Physician at the University Of Mississippi Medical Center Points to Additional Success Case
The Jackson Clarion Ledger reports that Dr. Hannah Gay, the University of Mississippi Medical Center pediatric HIV physician who successfully treated a Mississippi baby with an early aggressive therapy, cites another baby who is benefitting from her approach. A Hottytoddy.com story about Dr. Gray’s initial successful case can be found here: https://hottytoddy.com/2013/10/24/child-born-with-hiv-still-in-remission-after-18-months-off-treatment/
Dr. Gray said a Los Angeles County baby is showing promising signs of being in remission. That case was presented by Dr. Gray’s colleague, Dr. Deborah Persaud of Johns Hopkins Children’s Center on Wednesday at the 2014 Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI) in Boston.
“Since our report last year, there have been people all over the world looking more carefully at the status of infants in their clinics who were treated very early,” says Dr. Gray in the Ledger article. “That was our hope when we presented the case,” Gray said of the Mississippi baby’s case.