For SkyMasters Sky is, Literally, Only Limit

With SkyMasters Photography, the sky is the limit.
SkyMasters is an exciting new business owned and operated by young local entrepreneur, Jenner Jordan, 22. Jordan has found a creative way to provide still photography and videography for a multitude of events and services.
The aerial images captured are taken from a state-of-the-art remote controlled aerial system sometimes known as a drone.
Jenner’s dad, Dr. Jerry Jordan, invested in this business when he helped purchase the first aerial photography system for his son just last Christmas. Since then, they have added multiple new systems to the collection. John Walker, a senior engineer student at Ole Miss, assists by providing technical support and editing. Jordan practiced and learned how to operate these drones with impressive precision. “From the ground, I can fly the aircraft into tight spots or to extreme heights,” he said.
Screenshot-2014-04-01-11.17.04-150x150Jordan’s unique service can capture fly-over images of land, properties, and events that traditional photography cannot capture. SkyMasters has been hired out for social events such as fraternity spring parties and sporting events, but the young photographer and businessman mainly works with real estate companies. Jordan, a senior in Integrated Marketing Communications at the University of Mississippi, says he created this business because he noticed photography agencies have not incorporated cutting edge technology that his business can offer. “In this age of modern media, people want more than simple still photography,” said Jordan. That is why his motion images, which he puts to upbeat music, have excited so many.
For the past two months his business has sky rocketed. His videos can be found on his YouTube channel or through links on his Facebook page titled SkyMasters Photography. Jordan is recently celebrating the launch of his “I never imagined things would take off like this, no pun intended!” Jordan said. However, he is adapting well with the fast growth and soon SkyMasters Photography will reach new heights, literally.
 SkyMasters Photography
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