Pulitzer Prize: Just getting started for Kappa Kappa Gammas

In 2006, I pledged Kappa Kappa Gamma at Ole Miss and proceeded to spend the next four years in a mansion of a house with three meals a day, a staff to clean up after me, and more sisters than I could handle. I finally knew what the Kardashians feel like on the reg.

My home for four years.
My home for four years.

So, in honor of sister Donna Tartt winning the Pulitzer Prize in Fiction, I thought it would be an appropriate time to spotlight other sisters of mine who have gone on to successful careers.
Dixie Carter, president of TNA Entertainment – Dixie also pledged Kappa at Ole Miss and in 2003 was named the president of Total Non-Stop Action Entertainment, a professional wrestling league.
in 2008, I had the opportunity to attend a TNA wrestling match with Dixie and some fellow KKG sisters at the civic center in Southaven, Miss. We mingled in the corporate suite, sat ring side, and met American Idol season five contestant Ace Young. He wasn’t Kelly Pickler or Chris Daughtry (also season five contestants), but he was pretty cool.
Kate Jackson, an original Charlie’s Angel – Also a Delta Rho (meaning Ole Miss) sister, Kate accepted the roll of Sabrina Duncan in 1976. I’ve never met my namesake Kate (not really, but it sounds good), but I imagine she still holds her hands in a gun formation whenever possible.
Mariska Hargitay, a.k.a Detective Olivia Benson – Ladies, how many times have you spent a rainy (or sunny, for that matter) Sunday afternoon watching a USA marathon of Law and Order: Special Victims Unit and thought: “Olivia and I could totally be friends!” We all have and I’m honored to call her a sister (even if she attended UCLA instead of Ole Miss). She’s on my short list of people to meet one day, right between Queen Elizabeth and LL Cool J.
Other talented women on my Famous Sister list include:

  • Kate Spade – founder, designer and namesake for Kate Spade New York. If I could afford her work, I would own every piece. This chick’s got talent.
  • Lo Bosworth – stared on that (fake) reality show I never watched, The Hills
  • Gretchen Carlson – 1989 Miss America and current anchor of Fox and Friends
  • Ashley Judd – UK graduate and actress. She appeared in A Time to Kill by John Grisham. The movie was filmed in Canton, Miss., but co-star Matthew McConaughey mentioned marrying a “sweet little sorority girl from Ole Miss”.
  • Jane Pauley – former Today Show, NBC Dateline correspondent, my media role model.
  • Charlotte York – fictional character from Sex in the City. I know, not a real person, but it still counts.

I’m aware that famous women pledged all sorts of sororities across the country, but we’re mighty proud of Donna Tartt and her recent achievements. She comes for a large group of successful women and is a perfect roll model for those of us still trying to find our rhythm. Kudos, Donna and keep up the good work!
– Kate Sinervo Wallace is managing editor for HottyToddy.com, a Kappa Kappa Gamma alumni adviser, Ole Miss grad, and SVU fan. She can be reached by emailing kate.sinervo@hottytoddy.com.

Proof of Sisterhood - This is me and my lifelong friend Caroline when I pledged in 2006.
Proof of Sisterhood – This is me and my lifelong friend Caroline when I pledged in 2006.


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