The Oxford Daily Crime Report for Wednesday, May 28
The Oxford Police Department responded to the following incidents: a house burglary at the Riverside Apartments; two suspicious activities; four alarms; one animal complaint; a fire assist; one disturbance; four welfare concerns; two shopliftings; a civil matter; two malicious mischief; an ambulance assist; and improper parking.
OPD also investigated four wrecks, wrote seven traffic citations and made three arrests on the following charges: possession of drug paraphernalia; driving while license suspended; and public intoxication.
The Oxford Fire Department responded to a canceled call at 603 Tyler Ave. at 4:38 p.m.; a smoke detector malfunction at 7 Oak Place at 9:27 p.m.; and a blown transformer on South Lamar near One Day Signs at 11:37 p.m.
The University Police Department responded to the following incidents: a motor vehicle accident and property damage at Guyton Hall; a vehicle stop for driving the wrong way on a one way street at Northgate Square; and a vehicle stop for running a stop sign on Coliseum Drive.
All photographs and listings in the Daily Crime Report are provided by law enforcement personnel as a part of the public record, to HottyToddy.com. The persons depicted are not guilty of any crime until conviction by a court of law.