The Oxford Daily Crime Report for Friday, May 30
The Oxford Police Department responded to the following incidents: three suspicious activities, five alarms, two malicious mischiefs, a noise complaint, one fire department assist, one ambulance assist, petit larceny, and a welfare concern.
OPD also responded to two wrecks, wrote 37 traffic citations and made seven arrests on the following charges: public intoxication; shoplifting; minor in possession of alcohol; possession of drug paraphernalia, and possession of schedule three narcotics; failure to yield to a traffic control device, driving while license suspended, no proof of insurance, and possession of drug paraphernalia; malicious mischief; and trespassing.
The Oxford Fire Department responded to the following calls: a canceled call at Graceland Care Center, a steam shower activated the smoke detector at 204 Colonial Road, and someone left the stove gas on without the pilot light being lit at 3064 Davis Drive.
The University Police Department responded to the following incidents: three vehicle stops on Rebel Drive and Hathorn Road for speeding; a vehicle stop near the Kennon Observatory for driving the wrong way on a one way street; a vehicle stop near Lamar Hall for running a stop sign; a hit-and-run accident near Guess Hall; and a vehicle stop for driving without headlines on Grove Loop.
All photographs and listings in the Daily Crime Report are provided by law enforcement personnel as a part of the public record, to HottyToddy.com. The persons depicted are not guilty of any crime until conviction by a court of law.