Red Bus Project: Thrifting for Orphans
What if you were able to browse and thrift-shop for articles of clothing AND benefit orphans around the country at the same time? Sound too good to be true? The volunteers at Red Bus Project strive to make it a reality.
As soon as you access the main website for the organization, you notice the headline “We Help Orphans.”
This is the main goal and initiative for the nationwide non-profit organization, the Red Bus Project. According to the website, the “Red Bus” is an “operational double decker bus-turned mobile thrift store that travels from college to college, raising awareness about the needs of orphans and mobilizing orphan care advocates.”
Why does this matter to Ole Miss?
Well, more than just the obvious need for caring for the well-being of all orphans and children in the country, the Red Bus Project made an appearance on campus yesterday.
The project works as a thrift store, where students and others are able to fill their “buckets” provided to them by the organization, where they then purchase the articles of clothing for a donation of $5 to the organization and cause.
Staff writer Sam Mitchell stumbled across the organization and proclaims its importance in advocating for it to both Ole Miss students as well as students across the country. You can see where the Red Bus Project is heading to next on their website. You can also donate to the cause by accessing the website.

Volunteers Becca Foster, Myra Stull, Lance Wooldridge and Kelly Lu Holder travel the country with the Red Bus Project.
Sam Mitchell is a staff writer at HottyToddy.Com and can be reached at smitche3@go.olemiss.edu