Oxford Crime Report: Tuesday, June 23
Oxford police responded to the following incidents: 16 alarms, harassing phone calls 11 suspicious activities, four welfare concerns, three simple assaults, two malicious mischiefs, two lost properties, two strong arm robberies,15 disturbances, 2 ambulance assists, petit larceny, grand larceny, two shopliftings, civil matter, two fire department assists, motorist assist, careless driver and trespassing
Oxford police investigated 12 wrecks, issued 58 tickets and made 11 arrests on the following charges: Animal cruelty; leaving scene of an accident, warrant Sserved and DUI; careless driving; child Eendangerment and DUI; leaving scene of an accident; no insurance; no driver’s license and DUI; public intoxication; no headlights and DUI; no lriver’s license; failure to yield; reckless driving and DUI; wrong way on a one-way street; no driver’s license and DUI; possession of drug paraphernalia and warrant served; failure to yield; child endangerment and DUI; no seatbelt; possession of drug paraphernalia and possession of schedule 3 narcotics
All lists and photographs in Oxford Crime Report are provided by law personnel to HottyToddy.com as part of the public record. All persons depicted are innocent until convicted by court of law.