Passion for Politics: Trump is Not Pulling Out, He’s Pulling Away
The most recent NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll conducted October 15-18 shows Donald Trump with his highest percentage to date.
Trump now tallies 25 percent compared to challengers Carson at 22 percent, Rubio 13 percent, Cruz nine percent, Bush eight percent, and Fiorina at seven percent. The former Hewlett-Packard executive is down from 11 percent.
Trump has now led in all national polls for 100 days and has solidified his stranglehold on the nomination going into next week’s October 28 debate in Boulder. Four years ago when the nomination would ultimately go to Romney, the former Governor never fell below second place at any time in the primary process. This is most problematic for Bush who currently finds himself in fifth place.
On the Democratic side of the equation, Hillary Clinton apparently delivered the knockout blow to her four challengers following their October 13 debate. The only thing remaining that could possibly derail her candidacy is either Vice President Joe Biden (should he decide to run) or the FBI investigation into the email/server scandal.
A Trump-Clinton contest would be one of maximum interest featuring completely opposite views on the economy, foreign policy and domestic issues such as healthcare. Only weeks ago many of the leading national experts were predicting Trump’s campaign bid was laughable.
No one, however, is laughing anymore especially the Bush and Rubio campaigns. And speaking of laughter, the Donald will host Saturday Night Live on November 7 which would typically raise his ratings.
Following the next Republican debate, the field will certainly narrow as those candidates continuing to poll under 5 percent should see the handwriting on the wall. If you combine the antiestablishment percentages above including Cruz, you have 63 percent of the Republican voters. This then leaves a potential maximum of 37 percent to an establishment candidate which does not translate into a nomination victory run.
Steve Vassallo is a HottyToddy.com contributor. Steve writes on Ole Miss athletics, Oxford business, politics and other subjects. He is an Ole Miss grad and former radio announcer for the basketball team. Currently, Steve is a highly successful leader in the real estate business who lives in Oxford with his wife Rosie. You can contact Steve at sovassallo@gmail.com or call him at 985-852-7745.

Dave Francis
October 21, 2015 at 6:02 pm
Unfortunately, the Republican establishment, are not Tea Party Constitutionalists–but they are currently in control of Capitol Hill. The real Conservative branch are struggling to find a candidate for Speaker of the house. House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy has dropped his bid as being unsuccessful in achieving enough votes, seeing his adviser the prior Speaker John Boehner is finally retiring. A number of names have surfaced as potential successors to John Boehner and not another Professional class politician elected to Speaker of the House? Nor a Paul Ryan who is NOT a Constitutionalist, to any extent of the word. We need the People’s speaker of the House.
Yesterday we saw the Democratic war lords crush a law that would end the scourge and impediment to federal ‘Sanctuary Cities’ even after the hue and cry of Kate Steinle, young women, murdered by an illegal alien in the Liberalized city of San Francisco. But this is just one citizen murdered by a foreign national who had not been deported. However their are many more crimes hidden from public view by the biased mainstream press.
Democrats are still holding the high ground on illegal immigration as this administration has done little to stem the interlopers; draining our welfare services, stealing jobs that belong to US citizens and lawful immigrants. The Democrat Party zealots are ignoring our Constitution and with intent aiding and abetting the illegal invasion of our Country. Do millions of people know it is a violation of Title 8 Section 1324 United States Code “aiding, abetting, encouraging, harboring, transporting, and hiring illegal aliens is a felony.” Also Title 18 Section 611 US Code forbids non citizens from voting in our election. Citizens must be vigilant in any election, caucus and finally the general election. The Democrats will plead ignorance that illegal aliens don’t vote, but this coming presidential election is critical to America’s future that the authorities use every method available to stop this travesty to our Democracy. If non citizens vote in a close race, it would be a catastrophe to the election system.
Under the regime of His Royal highness Barack Obama he has sold America down the road. IRAN stands out as a $150 Billion loadstone to a terrorist, religious, fanatical nation. Leaving the Jewish state to fend for itself, knowing the danger is real. Judicial Watch announced today that it has obtained records from the U.S. Department of the Air Force revealing that Barack Obama’s February and March 2015 travel for golf vacations and fundraisers totaled $4,436,245.50 in taxpayer-funded transportation expenses. Donald Trump needs nothing from the Federal Coffers; he doesn’t need a salary as President and what seems elusive to the Democrats is Trump is completely free from powerful donors, who buy votes from individual corrupt lawmakers. Judicial Watch writes The Obama administration insists the southern border is secure, yet dozens of illegal aliens from terrorist nations entered the United States through Mexico and are being held in a Texas Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) processing center.
As I see ahead, with Donald Trump taking head-on multinational corporations that profits from taking workers jobs overseas and their installations as well such as Ford auto manufacturing, Nabisco mega companies; each entity will have to pay a 35 percent tariff on products, parts until America is presented with a balanced playing field, called true Fair Trade–not what exists now with Mexico, China and a host of other foreign countries. That’s just one terrific proposal that will regenerate 100s of billions of dollars for our country, instead of adding to our countries riches being procured to foreign nations. To supplement our national security to once again build a frontier wall; then towering above Russia and China’ s military, a United States armed forces to be proud of, not another Pentagon Decimation under Obama’s policies; then reinvesting in every Veteran full care, instead of being treated as a second class citizen, while illegal immigrants are catered too.
Immigration laws will be once again strictly enforced and Trump will instruct Homeland Security and ICE to implement a port of entry/exit tracking system and the National MANDATORY E-VERIFY system. IT will serve as a deterrent against business owner who insist of using unauthorized labor. No more OPTIONAL hiring and company owners can go to prison, while illegal workers will be deported. Mechanisms against welfare and cheap labor will be stemmed the tide of Overstays’ who lie giving the impression to Customs and Immigration that they are just visitors. That under new immigrants classifications they must be (STEM) skilled workers and not cradle to grave welfare seekers.
Dave Francis
October 21, 2015 at 6:03 pm
My commentaries have been rejected as I am an advocate for Donald Trump. By slight of hand, the editorial staff or webmasters have excluded me, as I give recommendations of why my vote is going to Donald Trump. These media outlets are obviously in line with the GOP establishment and Democrats, as my free speech doesn’t fit into their agendas? I was aware eventually some of the mainstream press as Los Angeles Times would claim such a reason that my narratives are Spam? Here is a list of media outlets who have closed me off from informing the people of what Donald Trump stands against. I must have stirred some annoyance with such web digital papers as:
1. American Thinker. 2. Business Insider. 3. Hollywood Reporter 4. Boston.com; 7 ABC 7 News and Mother Jones.
The only URL’s that I have ever cited, is some non profit, grassroots organizations as Judicial Watch, http://www.judicialwatch.org whose attorneys author the ‘Corruption Chronicles’ about the wrongdoings at the three levels of government; NumberUSA, an organization to lower Immigration; California for Population Stabilization (CAPS) a group to halt illegal alien invasion; The Tea Party.org whose numerous eyes watch the unconstitutional policies of this President.
I don’t see these non profits as SPAM, or any reason to be banned, as I only write about Democratic and Republican dangers such as not halting the illegal alien invasion, Obamacare, and a ever rising federal budget. I am a pariah to their causes, as I am an Independent voter, a Constitutionalist and don’t vote for pretty faces, but individual issues that supposedly betters my life, my family; as one voter of the American population. They have a right to eliminate me from commenting on different political subjects as its their propriety rights, but FREE SPEECH according Article 19 (1948) is its my right, even though they have removed my account. I will not be silenced.
In my field of friends, neighbors and my previous colleagues in the military, nothing will distract me from voting for Donald Trump. We have a chance, but ONLY this one chance to vote for a businessman, an outsider who will fight the internal never ending corruption within the walls of Congress, et all Washington. I am here to protect American families and all American who cam here legally. Your origin doesn’t matter, where you are from or the color of your skin; if you came here legally then you are with–ME! Black Americans have suffered on the lowest rung, Our society should not discriminate against anybody as long has they entered this country legally, as according to our laws.
America should not be shielded from the fact that both parties are corrupt and Donald Trump must be the voice of the people. Trump an Outsider that thumbs his nose, against the Special Interests, who doesn’t have the boding evil burden of Hillary Clinton and her weighted troubles with the FBI and her innocuous servers. Every honest, free thinking America must keep his eye on the price? There is collusion on many issues including illegal aliens, but foremost that the Hierarchy in the GOP are saying they are declaring war on Trump. So we must function as one people to stop any serious irregularities in the primaries that unknown entities may be looking for a way to rig elections, to stop Trump from being nominated. After all he is a serious threat to big businesses profits; foreign countries piece of the US wealthy pie and the unconstitutionality hit men.