Molly Fryman, international student adviser in the Office of Study Abroad, was chosen by the Staff Council as November’s Staff Member of the Month. To help us get to know her better, she answered some questions for Inside Ole Miss.
IOM: How long have you worked at Ole Miss?
Fryman: 2 years.
IOM: What is your hometown?
Fryman: Decatur, Illinois.
IOM: What is your favorite Ole Miss memory?
Fryman: Time spent in the Grove on a fall Saturday.
IOM: What do you enjoy most about your position or the department in which you work?
Fryman: My favorite part of my job is interaction with students from all over the world and the people I work with.
IOM: What do you like to do when you are not at work?
Fryman: Spend time with friends and family.
IOM: What is one thing on your bucket list?
Fryman: Learn to drive a manual car.
IOM: What is your favorite movie?
Fryman: “16 Candles”
IOM: What is a fun fact about you?
Fryman: I lived in Nyirbator, Hungary, for a year.
Courtesy Ole Miss News