Watch ESPN’s BattleFrog Tonight as Ole Miss Defeats Florida,TCU, Falls to West Point

(left to right) Emily Boyd, Emily Lewis, David Keer and Josh Brenc. Graphic as seen on Facebook.com / BattleFrog College & League Championships
On Saturday, July 2, Ole Miss fell to West Point in BattleFrog College Championship in Atlanta, Georgia. The four-member Ole Miss team finished fourth overall.
Although the competition is over, BattleFrog announced on its Facebook page that it will re-air the competition on ESPN2 tonight and this coming Saturday, July 9.
In the meanwhile, we at HottyToddy.com salute the Ole Miss team: Josh Brenc, Emily Lewis, Emily Boyd and David Keer. Brenc and Lewis are BattleFrog veterans, having finished in second place overall in BattleFrog’s collegiate championship last year.
A native of Wheaton, Illinois, Josh Brenc is an Ole Miss hockey player. Hailing from Cohutta, Georgia, Emily Boyd is a sophomore Ole Miss softball player. She is also the first woman to ever join the Ole Miss Bass Fishing team. David Keer is a University of Mississippi student poised to graduate in 2018. From the city of St. Louis, Emily Lewis is a member of University of Mississippi’s Phi Kappa Phi honorary.
BattleFrog is an obstacle course race inspired by U.S. Navy Seals training. Competitive teams have to navigate 20 obstacles in a 400-meter relay race. In the first round against Florida, the Ole Miss team completed the obstacle course in two minutes and thirty-one seconds.
Out of 15 competitive collegiate teams, Ole Miss made it to the final four and defeated Florida and Texas Christian University (TCU) before falling to West Point and placing fourth. Anyone who recalls Ole Miss competing in last year’s BattleFrog will recall that it was West Point who defeated Ole Miss in 2015 also.
Looks like the Rebels have a new rival in West Point Academy for future BattleFrog races! On the light side, the fact that Ole Miss students were as competitive as cadets from United States’ own military academy is something the Rebels can find pride in.
Callie Daniels Bryant is the senior managing editor at HottyToddy.com. She can be reached at callie.daniels@hottytoddy.com.
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