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Mississippi Health Officials Confirm Three New Cases of West Nile Virus
JACKSON, Miss. – The Mississippi State Department of Health (MSDH) reports three new human cases of West Nile virus (WNV), bringing the 2016 state total to 14. The reported cases are in Chickasaw, Copiah, and Perry counties.
So far this year, human cases of WNV have been reported in Calhoun, Chickasaw, Copiah, Hinds (4), Grenada, Lamar (2), Leflore, Lowndes, Perry and Rankin counties. The MSDH only reports laboratory-confirmed cases to the public. In 2015, Mississippi had 38 WNV cases and one death.
Additionally, today the MSDH reports one new travel-associated case of Zika virus, bringing the 2016 total to 17 in Mississippi. The case was reported in a resident of Harrison County who recently traveled to Puerto Rico.
Zika is a mosquito-borne virus that causes severe birth defects in a developing fetus – including brain damage, hearing and vision loss, and impaired growth – if the mother is infected during pregnancy. Zika virus infection can cause a mild illness with symptoms (fever, joint pain, conjunctivitis or rash) lasting for several days to a week, but 80 percent of those infected have mild symptoms or no symptoms at all. Death is very rare. The MSDH strongly advises pregnant women not to travel to countries where Zika is actively being transmitted.
Zika has been seen in parts of Africa, Southeast Asia, and some Pacific islands for years, but has recently been reported in approximately 50 countries, mostly in the Caribbean, Central and South America. The breed of mosquito that is spreading Zika – Aedes aegypti – has not been detected in Mississippi since the early 1990s. The MSDH is currently conducting surveillance for Aedes mosquito populations in every county in the state.
“So far in Mississippi, all of our Zika cases have been travel-related. It remains crucial that pregnant women not travel to countries where Zika is actively being transmitted,” said MSDH Deputy State Epidemiologist Dr. Paul Byers. “Also, we are in peak West Nile virus season in Mississippi, and all residents should be mindful of protecting themselves, regardless of whether there has been a case reported in your county.”
Symptoms of WNV infection are often mild and may include fever, headache, nausea, vomiting, a rash, muscle weakness or swollen lymph nodes. In a small number of cases, an infection can result in encephalitis or meningitis, which can lead to paralysis, coma and possibly death.
The MSDH suggests the following precautions to protect yourself and your environment from mosquito-borne illnesses:
- Use a mosquito repellent with an EPA-registered ingredient such as DEET while you are outdoors.
- Remove all sources of standing water around your home and yard to prevent mosquito breeding.
- Wear loose, light-colored, long clothing to cover the arms and legs when outdoors.
- Avoid areas where mosquitoes are prevalent.
For more information on mosquito-borne illnesses, visit the MSDH website at and