Public Schools – meet political warfare and the latest hatchet job.
The political appointees of the State Board of Education have voted for a dramatic change to the school rating system, which will further the goal of getting about 90 percent of public school funding tax dollars available for private charter schools.
Under the new politically charged system, only 10% of the state public schools can have an “A” ranking, regardless of how well they did on their testing. And, each year, 14 percent of the schools must be rated as “F” districts, regardless of how much they may have improved. (Imagine your child making a perfect score on a test, but getting a B because 10 other kids already made A’s)
Remember, the stealthily-worded bill this year that Senator Tollison got passed to make sure that Private Charter Schools could take students and school tax dollars from any F, D or C, School District, without board approval? It is all part of a nifty plan for some major campaign donors.
Why not try letting the teachers have the freedom to teach, like they allow in charter schools?
The Board of ED must receive comments before the new law can go into effect. Please send comments before September 13th to: or fax them to: 601-359-2471.
This is not putting education first. This is putting special interests first.
It all starts with education!
Oxford lawyer Jay Hughes serves the 12th District in the Mississippi House of Representatives. He can be contacted at
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