Shoplifting, Sexual Battery And More In Today's Crime Report
Oxford police responded to the following calls: 14 alarms, three malicious mischief, seven welfare concern, six suspicious persons, four disturbing the peace, 13 suspicious activity, two trespassing, two reported DUI, shoplifting, three ambulance assist, two suspicious vehicle, four improper parking, petit larceny, two civil matter, other agency assist, motorist assist.
Oxford police investigated 14 wrecks, issued 71 traffic citations and made arrests on the following charges:
Possession of Drug Paraphernalia and Warrant Served
Ran Red Light, No Driving License, No Proof of Liability Insurance and Warrant Served
Speeding, No Driving License, Resisting Arrest and DUI
Public Drunk
3 Careless Driving and DUI
Seatbelt Violation, No Driving License and Warrant Served
Seatbelt Violation, Driving While License Suspended, No Proof of Liability Insurance, Resisting Arrest and Warrant Served
Possession of Drug Paraphernalia
2 Petit Larceny
Disorderly Conduct – Breach of Peace (Business)
Open Container
Public Drunk and Harassing Public Service Animal (horse)
Improper Equipment (one headlight), Careless Driving, No Proof of Liability Insurance and DUI
Lafayette Sheriff’s Department responded to the following incidents: three accidents, simple assault, three alarms, five animals complaints, commercial burglary, 12 disturbances, domestic violence, two petit larceny, juvenile complaint, malicious mischief, seven service calls, 11 suspicious activities, vandalism, five welfare concerns, transport, two civil matters, three follow-ups, traffic stop assistance, five traffic complaints, runaway (located).
Lafayette Sheriff’s department made three arrests
simple assault
out of county warrant
contempt Justice and Circuit
Oxford Fire Department:
Employees activated a fire alarm at Mississippi Federal Credit Union.
Small grass fire resident dumped hot charcoal out on the grass at Shadow Creek.
Had problems with their alarm system at Winchester.
Cleaning a toaster activated a smoke detector at Hume hall.
University Police: sexual battery, bicycle larceny, ambulance needed, 20 vehicle stops, moving violation, service call escort, malicious mischief
All lists and reports on Oxford Crime Report were provided by law personnel to HottyToddy.com as part of the public record. All persons depicted are innocent until convicted by a court of law.
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