Chucky Mullins Roundabout To Be Completed Tomorrow

Roundabout at Chucky Mullins intersection on Ole Miss campus. Photo by Steven Gagliano
Summer is coming to an end, and students will soon return to the Ole Miss campus. Just in time for their return, the roundabout at the intersection of Chucky Mullins Drive, Hill Drive and Hathorn Road is nearly completed. The roundabout will be open for use, beginning tomorrow depending on the weather, according to Facilities Projects and Space Management Coordinator, Dave LaBanc.
“We hope to open it tomorrow afternoon. We just need the rain to stop long enough for the road to dry, so we can finish striping,” LaBanc said.
Move-in to residence halls begins on Saturday, so LaBanc and the rest of his team worked tirelessly to ensure the project was finished before that date. The team knew that they had to hit their target date ever since the project began following the conclusion of the 2017 spring semester.
“It was critical to finish it,” LaBanc said. “We set August 11th as the completion day because move-in to the residence halls begins on Saturday, the 12th. We needed every day to complete the work and our contractor, Xcavators, Inc. has been a fantastic partner with which to work.”
With Fall quickly approaching, students will return and large crowds will descend upon the Grove on Saturdays, so the new roundabout aims to ease the traffic flow.
“This constant flow will allow more cars to pass through the roundabout in a given time period than a similar sized four-way stop.” LaBanc said.
Steven Gagliano is the managing editor of HottyToddy.com. He can be reached at steven.gagliano@hottytoddy.com.