2 Men Charged For Alleged Rape and Kidnapping of Ole Miss Student

Kedrick Norwood (Left) & Roger Prince (Right)
According to Panola County DA John Champion, Charles Roger Prince, 34, and Kedrick Kevon Norwood, 28, have each been charged with one count of kidnapping and rape in connection with the disappearance of an Ole Miss student on Sunday.
The victim has since been found.
The original OPD report can be read below. The name of the victim has been omitted.
On September 10, 2017, at approximately 1:11 AM, the victim and a friend received a ride from two black males who they did not know. After riding around for about an hour the victim and her friend got out of the vehicle but the victim got back in.
The victim was taken to a house in Panola County early that morning where she was held against her will. At approximately 10:30 PM that night a tip came in with a possible location of where the victim was at. The Panola County Sheriff’s Department made contact with her and got her out safely.
*While the victim’s name may have been previously reported, it is now being omitted due to the sensitive nature of the alleged crime.
For questions or comments email Hottytoddynews@gmail.com.

September 13, 2017 at 10:36 am
There is another story about diversity on this site.
Does blacks raping whites qualify?
Steve Clement
September 13, 2017 at 6:13 pm
What in the hell are those two girls doing by getting in the car with those two thugs?