OHS Charger Band Cooks Up Chili to Raise Money for National Contests

OHS Charger Band in competition. Photo by Holly Reynolds.
Get your taste buds tingling and help the Oxford High School Band compete when you take part in the first annual Chili Cook Off and Silent Auction.
“We need to raise money to be able to expand our band program and give our kids the most awesome band experiences. Our goals are to be able to send our kids out of state to competitions and clinics,” said Breck Crouch, president of the band boosters organization.
The Chili Cook Off runs from 4:30 to 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, February 20 in the OHS cafeteria. There will be live music along with great chili and a chance to bid on a wide variety of items, including a signed Ole Miss basketball plus game tickets, original art work, gift cards from local merchants and more.
The Chili Cook Off runs from 4:30 to 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, February 20 in the OHS cafeteria. There will be live music along with great chili and a chance to bid on a wide variety of items, including a signed Ole Miss basketball plus game tickets, original art work, gift cards from local merchants and more.
“I’m really excited to see the community come out to support our program and, of course, eat some really great chili,” Crouch said.
Tickets cost $10 for two bowls of chili, a drink and dessert. You can purchase them from any OHS band member or send a message through the band’s Facebook page.
This year, the band and color guard hope to compete in Dayton, Ohio and Atlanta, Georgia. The trips require lots of fundraising, but Crouch says she knows the people of Oxford love to see local kids succeed.
“The community can best help our band by donations and moral support. Many of these things we want to do are expensive, but we love to see the community enjoying our kids talents along side us, at football games and concerts.”
Tickets cost $10 for two bowls of chili, a drink and dessert. You can purchase them from any OHS band member or send a message through the band’s Facebook page.
This year, the band and color guard hope to compete in Dayton, Ohio and Atlanta, Georgia. The trips require lots of fundraising, but Crouch says she knows the people of Oxford love to see local kids succeed.
“The community can best help our band by donations and moral support. Many of these things we want to do are expensive, but we love to see the community enjoying our kids talents along side us, at football games and concerts.”