Oxford Crime & Fire Reports for Sept. 21-23, 2018
The following reports were made Sept. 21-23, 2018, by city and county law enforcement agencies, unless otherwise indicated.
Oxford Police Department issued 49 tickets, investigated 28 wrecks and the following reports:
3 911 hang-ups
11 alarms
3 ambulance assists
1 animal complaint
1 burglary
4 careless driving complaints
1 civil matter
10 disturbing the peace complaints
4 domestic disturbances
1 elderly assist
2 fire department assists
1 improper parking complaint
2 larcenies
3 lost properties
3 malicious mischief complaints
6 motorist complaints
1 phone harassment
1 recovered property
2 simple assaults
7 suspicious activities
4 suspicious people
5 suspicious vehicles
1 trespassing
4 utility calls
2 vehicle searches
3 welfare checks
OPD officers made the following arrests:
1 domestic violence-simple assault
1 DUI 1st
1 DUI 1st, careless driving
1 DUI 1st, careless driving, possession of paraphernalia
1 DUI 1st, driving on the wrong side of the road
1 DUI 1st, failure to dim headlights
1 DUI 1st, no insurance, careless driving
1 DUI 1st, ran a red light, no insurance
1 DUI 1st, speeding, no insurance
1 DUI 2nd, careless driving, no insurance, suspended driver’s license
1 fake ID
3 minors in possession of alcohol
2 minors in possession of alcohol, fake ID
1 minor in possession of alcohol, fake ID, giving false identifying information
1 minor in possession of alcohol, possession of paraphernalia
1 open container, failure to comply, littering
1 possession of a schedule 1 drug, possession of marijuana with intent
1 possession of a schedule 2 drug, public drunk
1 possession of a schedule 4 drug
1possession of paraphernalia
1 possession of paraphernalia, possession of a schedule 1 drug
6 public drunks
2 public drunk, fake ID
1 public drunk, fake ID, minor in possession of alcohol
1 public drunk, petty larceny, fake ID
1 shoplifting
Lafayette Sheriff’s Department investigated four wrecks and the following reports:
4 alarms
5 animal complaints
1 residential burglary
5 disturbances
1 domestic violence
1 grand larceny
1 petty larceny
1 harassment
2 juvenile complaints
9 service calls
1 sexual assault
4 suspicious activities
6 welfare concerns
3 transports
3 information
3 follow up
2 traffic complaints
1 reckless driving
1 road obstruction
2 civil matters
3 ambulance assists
Deputies made the following arrests:
1 domestic violence, aggravated assault
1 burglary warrant
1 grand larceny warrant
1 domestic violence, simple assault
University Police Department investigated one wreck and the following reports:
2 disturbances
2 reports of possession of alcohol by minor
4 suspicious people
2 suspicious vehicle
4 ambulance assists
1 report of a weapon on school grounds – no arrest
1 fire assist on golf course
1 simple assault
UPD officers made the following arrests:
3 for possession of drug paraphernalia
1 public drunk
Oxford Fire Department reports are unavailable until Monday, Sept. 24, 2018
9/21 – 3:56 p.m. – Harrington Gold Course, 147 Golf Club Road – extinguished a dumpster fire
9/21 – 5:53 p.m. – 427 Turnberry Court – burned food
9/21 – 9:04 p.m. – Jackson Ave. in front of Cook Out – wreck with injuries – provided 1st aid until EMS arrived
9/22 – 11:14 a.m. – Skymart – medical call – monitored vitals until EMS arrived
9/22 – 6:14 p.m. – Home 2 Suites – power outage activated the alarm system
9/22 – 7:18 p.m. – Anchorage Road – wreck with extrication
9/22 – 8:27 p.m. – 2216 Church Road No. 4 – smell of smoke call – nothing found
9/23 – 9:38 a.m. – Oxford Church of Christ – possible stroke – monitored vitals until EMS arrived
9/23 – 10:01 a.m. – Canterbury Crest No. 102 – burned food
9/23 – 1:51 p.m. – Kappa Alpha house No. 15 – smoke detector malfunction
9/24 – 6:06 a.m.- Winchester – possible fire on a light pole – stood by for Northeast Power