Oxford, Lafayette Face Possible Severe Weather this Weekend
By Talbert Toole
Lifestyles Editor

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The Mississippi Emergency Management Agency (MSEMA) recently announced thunderstorms for Friday into early Saturday morning for the Northeast region of Mississippi. The agency also noted that this could include damaging winds along with the possibility of isolated tornadoes.
Oxford and Lafayette County reside in the area that is labeled as “marginal,” which means residents should expect damaging wind gusts. It also states that tornadoes cannot be ruled out at this time.

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According to the National Weather Service’s (NWS) hazardous weather outlook, the damaging winds will be the primary threat Friday night.
For LOU residents who might need to seek shelter during inclement weather, the Emergency Management Agency for Lafayette County provides a shelter map for area residents in case of emergencies.
The shelters are small concrete structures that hold up to 12 people, said Steve Quarels, EMA director for Lafayette County.
For more information on this weekend’s storm coverage, visit the MSEMA and NWS websites.