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Ole Miss Seniors Get Job Hunting Help

Business major Pradnya Ladgne is prepping to meet recruiters at the UM Career Expo. Photo by Maddy Bierster.
In a little more than three months, thousands of Ole Miss seniors will join many more college graduates in the hunt for great jobs.
The University was trying to help prepare students by hosting a Career Expo on campus Thursday. This expo is designed to help students gain experience and make connections with potential employers.
Assistant Director of Career Development, EJ Presley says there are several things hiring managers are looking for in job candidates.
“Typically you need an elevator speech, a nice resume, so a really good resume, and knowing what you want to do with your lives,” says Presley.
Business major Pradnya Ladgne says she has been preparing for weeks to meet recruiters.
“I’ve been looking through Linkedin, GlassDoor, and going to the Career Center, having my resume validated, with CVs and cover letters and, of course, attending fairs like this. so pretty much anything I can get my hands on,” says Ladgne.
She also appreciated the chance to get immediate feedback at the Expo.
“You get to talk to the employers one on one, so its face to face interaction, so if you have any questions they can very well answer them, you give out your resume, so it’s not like an online job portal where the resume just like sits there, where you may not hear back,” Ladgne said.
Career development experts recommend job candidates research potential employers ahead of time, so they can make their best first impression.
Contributed by: Madalyn Bierster and Ashley Muller.

Hanna Marvales
March 1, 2019 at 5:33 am
It’s cool that people, who graduated from college will be supplied with a job. It’s very hard to find a job with an artist degree, especially if you are a writer. When i graduated college i had no experience, so no one wanted to give me a job at publishing. I’ve found a work of freelance writer and started my career from there. If you are struggle to find a job as a writer, you can check different writing bords with work like https://vip-writers.com or look for a similar one.