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Crime & Emergency Reports from April 29, 2019
The following reports were made April 29, 2019, by city and county law enforcement agencies, unless otherwise indicated.
Oxford Police Department issued 18 tickets, investigated 10 wrecks and the following reports:
1 abandoned vehicle
3 alarms
1 animal complaint
1 civil matter
1 credit card fraud
3 disturbing the peace complaints
1 elderly assist
1 fire department assist
3 improper parking complaints
4 larcenies
2 malicious mischief complaints
3 motorist assists
1 noise violation
1 property damage
1 shoplifting
6 suspicious activities
3 welfare checks
OPD officers made the following arrest:
1 domestic violence with simple assault
1 DUI, one headlight, expired tag and no insurance
1 DUI, possession of a schedule 4 drug and expired tag
2 simple assaults
Lafayette Sheriff’s Department investigated two wrecks and the following reports:
1 simple assault
2 animal complaints
2 disturbances
1 fraud
1 harassment
2 noise complaints
2 reckless driving
1 suspicious activity
1 suspicious vehicle
2 transports
1 welfare concern
6 papers served
Deputies made the following arrests:
1 careless driving, driving with license suspended and possession of drug paraphernalia
1 careless driving and DUI
University Police Department investigated seven wrecks and a report of possession of drug paraphernalia.
Oxford Fire Department reports will be unavailable until May 6.