UM History Professor, Author and Historian David Sansing Dies
By Anna Grace Usery
Longtime Mississippi author, educator and historian, David Sansing, passed away today, July 6.

UM Dean of the School of Journalism and New Media Will Norton (left) and Professor Emeritus of History David Sansing (right) share a laugh at Rowan Oak in 2016. Photo by Timothy Ivy.
His son, Perry Sansing, confirmed the news.
Sansing was born in 1933 and graduated from Greenville High School. He received his bachelor’s and master’s degrees in history from Mississippi College. He received his Ph.D in history at the University of Southern Mississippi in 1969.
Sansing came to the University of Mississippi in 1970 when then history professor Joe Kiger offered him a position.

David Sansing. Photo via the UM website.
“When I came to Ole Miss, I felt like I was coming home. Oxford and Ole Miss was where I was supposed to be,” he told Hottytoddy.com contributor Bonnie Brown in a Q&A in August of 2018. “I brought my wife Elizabeth and my three children and we have lived happily ever after.”
His most recent book, “The Other Mississippi: A State in Conflict with Itself” details essays on the Mississippi state flag, Mississippi writers, the Bilbo Purge, the Meredith Crisis, the derivation of the nickname “Ole Miss,” and the origins of Colonel Rebel, book editor Allen Boyer writes in his book review.
“All of my life, I’ve been blessed with good friends who have left me better off by their friendship than I would have been otherwise,” he told Hottytoddy.com in a previous interview. “I am a man most fortunate.”
Hottytoddy.com will inform the public of funeral arrangements as they become available.

Judy Meredith
July 7, 2019 at 12:07 am
I am deeply saddened to hear of Dr. Sansing’s death. He was the main reason my husband, James Meredith wanted to attend the football games, to enjoy spending the time with him. My deepest condolences and prayers for Elizabeth, children, family and friends. He will truly be missed.
David Roberts MD
July 7, 2019 at 3:04 am
I was fortunate to see Dr Sansing at the state-ole miss game this fall.we talked about the statue at the circle where his family has spent years game day he told me about his new book which explores the “the other side of ms” which my daughter gave to me for Christmas It is a fascinating history of ms and I’m which you all should read
He is a devoted father,grand father, magnificent teacher and steward of the university. He is one of the kindest men I ve ever known
He loved his family and he loved ole miss His reputation as a history teacher was phenomenal
God rest his soul and comfort his family I will miss discussion with him. This is a great loss to the ole miss family
Rest In Peace all of those you taught us are with u now. Love u all and god bless you
Bettye H Galloway
July 7, 2019 at 7:15 am
While doing his research, Dr. Sansing allowed me to transcribe his taped interview with Mrs. Theodore G. Bilbo. What an honor! He was a true historian.
Kirk Brown
July 8, 2019 at 10:28 am
He was a great teacher & person. He made History one of my best courses as a student. A life well lived.