News Briefs
Lafayette County Board of Supervisors Meeting Agenda for Tonight
DATE: Tonight, Aug. 5
TIME: 5 p.m.
Chancery Building
1. Call to Order
2. Approve Agenda
3. Approve minutes of the regular meeting on July 15, 2019, and recessed meeting on July 17, 23, 26 and 31, 2019.
4. Accept jail meal log and affidavit from Jail Administrator per section 19-25-74.
5. Approve claims docket for claim numbers 4421-4675.
New Business
6. Consent Agenda:
a. Spread on the minutes payment to Chancery Clerk in the amount of $80 for attendance to July Board meetings. (Sherry Wall)
b. Accept bids and award lowest and best bid for automated truck in Sanitation Department. (Jody Harrison)
c. Accept bids and award lowest and best bid for knuckle boom in Sanitation Department. (Jody Harrison)
d. Approve advertisement for bid for audio system for Arena. (Lisa Carwyle)
e. Accept EMPG Special Projects Grant in the amount of $5,000 for the purchase of MSWIN radios for the Mobile Command Vehicle. (Steve Quarles)
f. Accept the storage building for the Road Dept. (Larry Britt)
g. Accept ROW Deeds and donation of private road for public maintenance to be designated as County Road 3079 and be placed on the official road register. (David O’Donnell)
h Accept Right of way deed from Richard and Sandra Bolesworth and quitclaim deed from Avatar, LLC for purpose of establishing public road right of way on Private Road 5057 (Fox Trail Lane) and be placed on the official road register. (David O’Donnell)
i. Approve an increase in Resolution Board pay from $100 to $110 for work on election day. (Lisa Carwyle)
j. Approve write off of Solid Waste accounts for July. (Jody Harrison)
k. Adopt resolution declaring intent to levy an additional 1.95 mills for the Oxford-Lafayette County Vocational-Technical Center. (Lisa Carwyle)
l. Approve correction of salary for part-time employee in Third Circuit Drug Court, the correct amount is $614.02 per month. (Lisa Carwyle)
m. Spread on the minutes promotion of Captain in the Sheriff’s dept. (Sheriff Hill)
n. Spread on the mintues promotion of Lieutenant in the Sheriff’s dept. (Sheriff Hill)
o. Approve Triad Grant for the 2019/2020 year in the amount of $1,600 (Lisa Carwyle)
p. Accept donation from Ripley Presbyterian Church for the Third Circuit Drug Court in the amount of $822. (Lisa Carwyle)
q. Approve three promotions to foreman in the Road Department. (Lisa Carwyle)
r. Approve promotion to floating foreman in the Road Department. (Lisa Carwyle)
s. Approve budget amendments. (Lisa Carwyle)
t. Approve fixed asset transfer from Tax Assessor to Emergency Management. (Lisa Carwyle)
u. Approve deletion of fixed asset from CPS. (Lisa Carwyle)
v. Spread on the mintues updated salaries for Third Circuit Drug Court employees. (Lisa Carwyle)
7. Update from Dr. Sandy Rogers on Communicare.
8. Hear objections to 2019 tax assessments. (Sherry Wall)
9. Discuss quotes for videoing storm sewer. (Larry Britt)
10. Discuss quotes for pipe installation on County Road 256 and 224. (Larry Britt)
11. Request permission for Road department to enter private property on 3 County Road 147 to fix water runoff problem from the County Road. (Joe Bynum)
12. Consider Planning Commission recommendation to approve Southern Land Holdings, LLC Planned Unit Development. (Joel Hollowell)
13. Appeal of Planning Commission decision to deny a conditional use permit for an event venue in an A-2 District. (Joel Hollowell)
14. Consider an executive session.
Recess until Wednesday, Aug. 14, 2019, at 8 a.m.