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UM Campus Leaders Discuss Re-Opening Plan on Video
Chancellor Glenn Boyce, Provost Noel Wilkin and other administrators discuss the Campus Ready plan for fall 2020 and answer frequently asked questions.

Chancellor Glenn Boyce, Provost Noel Wilkin and other administrators discuss the Campus Ready plan for fall 2020 and answer frequently asked questions.
Watch the video to learn more about how the university will resume daily operations and return to instruction on campus for the Fall 2020 semester in accordance with public health recommendations and direction from local, state and federal governing bodies.
Speakers and Panelists
- Chancellor Glenn Boyce
- Provost Noel Wilkin, Chair, Future Planning Task Force
- Dr. Jean Gispen, Staff Physician, Employee Health Services
- Dean Hansen, Director of Facilities Management
- Andrea Jekabsons, Interim Chief Human Resources Officer
- Natasha Jeter, Assistant Vice Chancellor for Wellness and Student Success
- Alex Langhart, Director of University Health Services
- Larry Sparks, Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance, and
- Jim Zook, Chief Marketing and Communications Officer.
Featured FAQS
- I have questions about contact and testing. What is close contact? How do I know if I should go get tested? What do I do after I get tested?
- What is the difference between quarantine and isolation? How do I know when to quarantine? When to self-isolate? Can I test out of quarantine?
- Can you explain the leave policies? Is 80 hours EPSL available for each event? Can FMLA+ be used for closure of a summer camp or program?
- What special accommodations are being made for vulnerable employees?
- What is the university doing to educate and reinforce the protocols with students, faculty and staff?
- What do you anticipate will be the impact on the budget?
- What is Facilities Management providing for each department to comply with the protocols?
- How are we emphasizing compliance with the protocols?
- Can you explain the travel restrictions?
- When will the required employee training need to be completed?
- What is the purpose of the daily symptom checker? Does it collect my personal information?
- How will the closure of local schools and daycares impact university employees?
- How can I have confidence in the protocols and parameters outlined in the return to campus plan?