Virtual Workshop to Highlight Resources for Small Businesses

An upcoming virtual workshop presented by the Oxford-Lafayette County EDF will create awareness of regional business development resources and connect business owners to local entrepreneurial ventures.

The Oxford-Lafayette County Economic Development Foundation will host the workshop, “Resources for Small Business Success,” from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. on Wednesday, Nov. 18.

The program is a partnership between the EDF, the Mississippi Development Authority, and the Yoknapatawpha Arts Council and will feature presentations from Three Rivers Planning and Development District, Mississippi Small Business Development Center, Renaissance Community Loan Fund, Northeast MS Contract Procurement Center, Danny K Photography, and BDM Industrial Services.

“We are very excited about this new opportunity to support our local business owners, especially as we continue to fight against the economic effects of COVID-19,” stated Allen Kurr, EDF vice president. “This program will highlight topics such as gap financing, business procurement, minority and women-owned business certification, and many other opportunities available to grow and sustain local business.”

To register, visit, click on “Events Calendar” and select Nov. 18, 2020, for a direct link to register. The event is free to the public. For more information, contact Latisha “Denise” Handy at 601-359-2910 or at

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