Helping Women One Pound Cake at a Time
Talisha Gordon is hoping to inspire and encourage women of all ages in Lafayette County through her ministry, Live Again Events by selling pound cakes made by the woman who inspired and encouraged her – her mother.

Talisha Gordon is hoping to inspire and encourage women of all ages in Lafayette County through her ministry, Live Again Events, by selling pound cakes made by the woman who inspired and encouraged her – her mother.
Gordon and her mother, Bridgette Gordon, have been selling pound cakes and other baked goods at the Oxford Community Market and Midtown Farmers Market for three years, using the funds to hold events in the community for women.
“(Bridgette) is our kitchen coordinator,” Gordon said. “She has been cooking since she was 7 years old making biscuits in her grandmother’s kitchen.”
Gordon said that although she helps, her mother makes most of the pound cakes.

“I am more of the blueberry, apple and peach pie and banana pudding cooker,” she said.
Gordon founded Live, Laugh, Love Events four years ago and recently revamped the ministry into Live Again Events.
“Live Again Events is a small business, but a business that is a ministry,” Gordon said. “Our goal is to promote beauty from the inside. Our focus is to serve our community by bringing hope to each individual.”
Recently, Gordon delivered four gift baskets filled with goodies to the Oxford Community Market to give to new mothers that were paid for through pound cake sales.
Other past events Live Again has been involved with include Heart for Love, Family Night, Lunch with the Girls and Women Who Brunch, and participating in events such as Hot Chocolate and Cookies with the Salvation Army, Cultivating My Own Garden Book Club, Pillows and Prayer Shawls Prayer Call, Pilgrimage Festival, Stars and Stripes Festival, Makers Market, #Healthy You Campaign: Sisters Helping Sisters and several more.

Gordon was raised in Abbeville and graduated from Lafayette High School. She earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in psychology with a minor in English from the University of Mississippi.
She has hosted events at her church such as teenage workshops and praise dance team events. She has also written plays.
“I love helping people. I often say that doing what you love can make running a business easy,” she said. “I include God in my every day. He is first.”
For more information about Live Again Events, visit their Facebook page.