It’s Going to Be Another Hot, Albeit Slightly Less Humid Week

By Alyssa Schnugg
News editor
“It’s not the heat, it’s the humidity.”
Not this week in Lafayette County – it’ll be the heat.
According to the National Weather Service, most of the Mid-South is in for a very hot week with temperatures reaching close to or at 100 degrees throughout the week and into the weekend.
Today’s high is 97 degrees with a low of 73. The heat index value could make it fee like 101 degrees today.
Wednesday could reach 99 with heat index values as high as 102.
Thursday the high is slightly lower at 94 degrees but that is expected to jump back up to a high off 99 on Friday.
Saturday and Sunday are expected to hit 100 degrees; however, there is currently a slight chance of rain on Sunday that could bring the high temperature on Monday down to 89 degrees.
For most of the week, the humidity is expected to be around 50 to 65 percent, keeping the heat index values lower than last week.
Due to the lack of rain and high temperatures, extreme care should be taken if burning outdoors or using grills by making sure a water source is nearby at all times and all fires are completely extinguished.
So far, the NWS has not issued any Heat Advisories; however, if the humidity increases, that could change.
Humid or not, it will be hot and the NWS suggests taking precautions against heat exhaustion or heat stroke by avoiding prolonged exposure to the sun, taking several breaks out of the heat and keeping hydrated.
And don’t forget the sunblock!