MHP to Beef Up Patrols on State Highways Over Labor Day Weekend

The Mississippi Highway Patrol is set to enhance enforcement efforts for the 2022 Labor Day Holiday Travel Period, which began this morning and will conclude at midnight on Monday.
Troopers will conduct high-visibility enforcement activities and safety checkpoints to promote safe travel and reduce fatal crashes over the Labor Day Holiday Travel Period.
Speeding, seatbelt usage and impaired and distracted driving will be some of the key focuses over the holiday weekend.
During the 2021 Labor Day Holiday Travel Period, MHP investigated 146 crashes with six fatalities and made 186 DUI arrests on state and federal highway systems. MHP also issued 443 citations for occupant restraint violations during that enforcement period.
No fatal wrecks were reported in Lafayette County over the Labor Day weekend in 2021.
“With many Mississippians traveling during this Labor Day weekend to spend time with
family and friends, the Mississippi Highway Patrol and the Department of Public Safety
encourages all motorists to do their part and practice safe and responsible driving habits,”
said Commissioner Sean Tindell.
Staff report