MLK Day Closings, Trash Collection and More

By Alyssa Schnugg
News editor
Due to the observance of Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday on Monday, most local, state and federal government offices will be closed.
The state of Mississippi also observes the birthday of Robert E, Lee on Monday.
Garbage pickup by Oxford Environmental Services and Lafayette County Solid Waste will run as normal Monday; however, there will be no large item (or rubbish) collection on Monday.
All city offices and county offices will be closed Monday. Schools in the Oxford School District and the Lafayette County School District will be closed. The University of Mississippi will also be closed Monday.
Federal offices, including the U.S. Post Office, will be closed Monday.
The Oxford-University Transit System will be running limited routes on Monday, following its usual Saturday bus schedule. Routes that will run will be Blue/Grey, Red North, Blue West and Purple.
Parking meters on the Square will be turned off. Parking will be free.
The Lafayette County & Oxford Public Library will be closed Sunday and Monday.