Exchange Diaper Bank Low on Supplies

By Alyssa Schnugg
News editor
The North Mississippi Exchange Family Center is asking the community to help them to continue to help mothers in need by providing free diapers.
The Exchange Diaper Bank is running very low on diapers, so low, the center had to close its doors to the Diaper Bank for a week.
The Diaper Bank is a part of the Bare Needs Diaper Bank, which is under the Mid-South Food Bank in Memphis.
“It has had some supply issues and then new personnel,” said Executive Director Denise Strub. “So it has all trickled downhill.”
Strub said she has had to purchase supplies to give to parents.
“It breaks my heart to not be able to serve those who need the diapers,” she said. “We are starting to get donations and every little bit helps.”
The Diaper Bank was originally a Leadership Lafayette project that culminated in a diaper giveaway in July. As with all Leadership Lafayette projects, it was intended to become a long-term service for parents.
“I was asked if the Exchange Family Center would be interested in being the site for the program and I couldn’t agree fast enough,” Strub said. “Babies are expensive, especially diapers, wipes and formula. Easing financial stress reduces the risk of child abuse and neglect, which is what we are all about.”
Diapers of all sizes are needed – from newborn to pull-ups for toddlers.
The Family Center is asking for donations of diapers in all sizes – from newborn to pull-ups for toddlers, wipes and formula.
Cash donations are also welcome so the center can purchase supplies that run low.
Cash donations can be made via PayPal, Venmo, CashApp or the NM Exchange Family Center website.
Checks can be mailed to 1558 Skyline Drive, Oxford, MS 38655.
For more information, call 662-502-3228 or email nmsfamilycenter@gmail.com.