Senators, House Reps Speak to Community About 2023 Session Accomplishments

By Alyssa Schnugg
News editor
Senators and House representatives breakfasted with Oxford and Lafayette County residents Wednesday while sharing some of the Legislature’s accomplishments from the 2023 session during the annual Eggs and Issues event.
The Oxford-Lafayette County Chamber of Commerce puts the event on each year to give the community a chance to hear from their representatives about what was done during the session and ask questions.
The breakfast was held at The Inn at Ole Miss with Sen. Nicole Boyd, Sen. Ben Suber, Rep. Clay Deweese, Rep. Steve Massengill and Rep. Brady Williamson as speakers.
Along with state accomplishments, the group presented information in regard to local projects that received funding from the state, including $4 million for a nursing school in Oxford; $5 million for a future Declaration of Independence Center; $250,00 for a sheriff substation in Harmontown; $500,000 for Abbeville infrastructure improvements; $1 million toward the last phase of West Oxford Loop extended; $5 million toward the construction/renovation project for a new Oxford Police Department and $15 million toward the future Highway 7 widening project.
The representatives discussed what they felt were some of their most significant accomplishments as a whole, which included rural water association grants, passing bills to help women and children, increased funding for educational purposes and creating a retirement program for volunteer firefighters.
“I feel like that was one of the most important things we did,” Williamson said.