Planning Commission Approves OSD CTE Building Site Plan

By Alyssa Schnugg
News editor
The site plan for the Oxford School District’s future Career Technical Education Building was given the green light by the Oxford Planning Commission on Monday.
The two-story, 23,800-square-foot building will be located east of the practice fields on the Oxford High School campus
The building will have 8–10 classrooms for Law and Public Safety, Informational Technology, Business and Marketing, Software Development and Health Science. There will be an ROTC classroom, armory, office and storage; two offices; a conference room; and a staff workroom, along with storage areas, restrooms, and more.
The outside of the building will be brick and cast stone to match the other structures on the campus, and will be about 34 feet tall.
A sign showing “Career Tech” on the front elevation of the building will have to be approved separately at a later date.
The Planning Commission approved the site plan unanimously.