Collards Get DOD, Oxford Blessing

Farmer Glyen Holmes displays collard greens from his farm that will be served as one of the vegetables for this month’s featured Harvest of the Month. Oxford school students will be able to enjoy collard greens, tomatoes and Southern peas as part of tomorrow’s lunch menu at all schools.
October’s Good Food for Oxford Schools’ Harvest of the Month features Southern peas, tomatoes, and collard greens, all thanks to the U.S. Department of Defense.
Did you know each year the Department of Defense invests money in Mississippi farmers to feed Mississippi children? The federal government does this because they feel it is important to our national security to have strong, fit, and healthy kids. Good Food for Oxford Schools couldn’t agree more.
According to Good Food for Oxford Schools Director Sunny Young, this is the reason that Good Food for Oxford Schools exists: to offer healthy, nutritious choices for Oxford school students, so that they will be strong, fit and healthy while also academically excelling in the classroom.
All Oxford school students will have an opportunity to purchase a lunch Friday, October 11 with the Harvest of the Month’s superstar veggies: Southern peas, tomatoes and collard greens. If students purchase their lunch meal from their school cafeteria, they will find these fresh, locally grown vegetables on their plate.
Young says to stay tuned for more information as the program makes plans to unveil the November Harvest of the Month soon.
Special to HottyToddy.com from Oxford School District