Arts & Entertainment
'Genius Trivia' at Blind Pig for Literacy Fundraiser
Everyone loves to go out and fight against other friend groups for the right to call themselves the reigning kings and queens of trivia, and the Blind Pig has just the event next week.
The Lafayette County Literacy Council will host the third Genius Trivia fundraiser on Tuesday, Sept. 23, at the Blind Pig.
Teams of up to six players will compete in rounds of trivia from a broad spectrum of categories, including a literature-themed genius round, for prizes and to be crowned the trivia geniuses of Oxford.
Doors open at 7 p.m. and trivia starts at 7:30. Entrance fee is $10 per person to play and $5 suggested donation for non-competitors. Mulligans will be available for purchase at the door before the competition starts, with a limit of two per team.
All proceeds benefit the Lafayette County Literacy Council’s programs.
The organization has four core programs that serve the LOU community: the Dolly Parton Imagination Library, which mails a free book to children under five in Lafayette County; Reading Rockets, an afterschool reading intervention program at Bramlett Elementary in partnership with the Oxford School District; Children’s Book Festival, providing a quality book to every first grader in the community plus a week of in-school programming and the opportunity to see the author speak at The Ford Center; and Adult Basic Literacy Education — the new adult literacy program kicking off this month.
Amelia Camurati is managing editor of and can be reached at