Oxford Crime Report: Tuesday, January 19
Oxford police responded to the following incidents: eight alarms, five suspicious activities, two disturbances, a welfare concern, a motorist assist, harassing phone calls, a fire department assist, a careless driving, a shoplifting, a civil matter, a 911 hang-up call, a grand larceny, and a burglary at Wedgewood Drive.
Oxford police investigated six wrecks, issued 22 traffic citations and made six arrests on the following charges:
(2) Shoplifting and possession of drug paraphernalia
Warrant served
Public intoxication
Possession of drug paraphernalia
No child restraint, switched tag, expired driver’s license and no insurance
University police responded to the following incidents: (6) vehicle stops, (3) traffic assists and a speeding with a suspended license on Intramural Fields Road.
Oxford Fire Department responded to the following calls:
Smoke detector malfunction at 4:44 a.m. at University Trails #2202
Pull station fire alarm malfunction at 3:02 at Oxford High School
Kitchen duct detector malfunction at 4:16 p.m. and 11:50 p.m. at McAlister’s
All lists and reports in Oxford Crime Report are provided by law personnel to HottyToddy.com as part of the public record. All persons depicted are innocent until convicted by a court of law.
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