University Meeting on Contextualization of Confederate Plaque to Take Place Thursday
The Daily Mississippian reports that a meeting will take place between University of Mississippi’s Chancellor Jeff Vitter, the contextualization committee and the university chapter of NAACP.
The Daily Mississippian also reports the contextualization committee is comprised of the assistant to the Chancellor for multicultural affairs Donald Cole, African American studies director Charles Ross, Professor Emeritus of history David Sansing and retired chief of staff to the Chancellor Andy Mullins.
This meeting came to be after the university NAACP issued a statement criticizing the language on the new plaque scheduled to be installed near the Confederate Monument in the historic Circle at the end of March.
The university NAACP said, “The administration of this incredibly diverse university woefully fails its students, faculty and staff when it does not accurately acknowledge the true history of the Confederacy.”
The plaque’s language in question reads:
As Confederate veterans were passing from the scene in increasing numbers, memorial associations built monuments in their memory all across the South. This statue was dedicated by citizens of Oxford and Lafayette County in 1906. On the evening of September 30, 1962, the statue was a rallying point where a rebellious mob gathered to prevent the admission of the University’s first African American student. It was also at this statue that a local minister implored the mob to disperse and allow James Meredith to exercise his rights as an American citizen. On the morning after that long night, Meredith was admitted to the University and graduated in August 1963.
Below is UM NAACP’s statement as posted on its Facebook page.
Callie Daniels Bryant is the senior managing editor at HottyToddy.com. She can be reached at callie.daniels@hottytoddy.com.
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March 21, 2016 at 4:28 pm
Well I guess we know who is running the University now.
Vitter will cave to the coloreds like a cheap suit.