Rep. Jay Hughes: Killing Public Ed Has Officially Begun
The Final Act in Killing Public Schools – WAKE UP PEOPLE
The State leadership and the supermajority have boldly stepped into the broad daylight with their calculated plan to KILL PUBLIC SCHOOLS and funnel tax dollars to campaign donors and private academies.
Following PRIVATE LITTLE MEETINGS IN SECRET LITTLE ROOMS, your leadership and supermajority hired a Rebecca Sibilia (next post) and a private, out-of-state, 100 percent pro-charter and privatization company (only 2 years old) to “EVALUATE” the MAEP funding formula that they defiantly refuse to follow the law and fund.
Your leaders claimed that the MAEP Law (which they refuse to fund) is 20 years old and outdated. Well, so are our campaign finance laws, domestic abuse laws, roads and bridges, mental health and school facilities, school buildings, fire trucks, etc.
This is absolute insanity. What this consultant has is the loudest cheerleader of charter schools and vouchers. Her bought views are no different than the “tax consultant” of the Koch brothers & ALEC who testified last month that we should transfer taxes to the poor and working class.
Are the 90 percent of us literally going to lay down and let them steam roll over us in order to return to a convenient privatization, segregation and transfer public tax dollars to campaign donors?
Ladies and gentlemen, neighbors, it all starts with education! Since it is too late to vote on your politicians again this term, only your voice can stop the inevitable now.
BE HEARD! Please make sure your state legislator, senator, Lt. Gov & Gov know how you feel.
Referred to as Charter’s little helper, you really have to read for yourself to understand that in the arena of Public Education Funding/Underfunding, Leadership has just hired the fox to guard the henhouse. This is a calculated plan to move MS tax dollars to charters and voucher system for private academies, like their “good ole days.”
Rebecca Sibilia /EdFirst – Charter’s Little Helper
Oxford lawyer Jay Hughes serves the 12th District in the Mississippi House of Representatives. He can be contacted at jayfordistrict12@gmail.com.
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