Christmas Cuties: Mississippi Mutts Arranges "Very Merry Transfer"

Mississippi Mutts group shot
Mississippi Mutts arranged for the transfer of 35 puppies and 11 kittens to a sister organization in Virginia over the weekend. Photo by Olivia Wells

Mississippi Mutts held its fifth and last kitten and puppy transfer of the year just in time for Christmas.

The “Very Merry Transfer” event took place Saturday at Fire Station No. 1 in Oxford and entailed lots of barks, meows, hot chocolate and Santa hats among both the fosters and their temporary yet memorable furry friends. This transport was responsible for taking 11 kittens and 35 puppies to Mississippi Mutts’ sister organization, Wolf Trap Animal Rescue, in Virginia.

Katie Muldoon, the Mississippi Mutts organizer, said the organization has now reached around 70 foster families and counting.

Mississippi Mutts Christmas puppies
A Christmas-clad cutie takes a nap prior to being transferred to a new home in Virginia. Photo by Olivia Wells

“So far, Mississippi Mutts has been a whirlwind of positivity,” she added. “We have more participants and families than we ever anticipated. We have college students, retirees and even young families getting involved.”

According to Muldoon, this movement helps prevent euthanization for many stray animals.

Mississippi Mutts two puppies
These sweet-faced puppies got a new “leash on life,” thanks to Mississippi Mutts. Photo by Olivia Wells

“People get desperate and don’t want to take their unwanted litter to the shelter, so that’s where we’ve been able to step in and help,” she said.
Angie Avery, executive director of the Oxford-Lafayette County Humane Society (OLHS), told the Oxford Board of Aldermen last month that the organization has ramped up its live-release rate and worked to reduce the number of animals in its shelter. But the shelter usually remains at or near maximum capacity. Meanwhile, groups like Mississippi Mutts have sprung up to help find homes for strays.
Mississippi Mutts kids and pups
A pair of young Mississippi Mutts volunteers pose with their new friends. Photo by Olivia Wells

Meghan Ray, who has fostered with Mississippi Mutts three times since their summer launch, said she heard about the organization through a friend and has been involved ever since.

“[These puppies] are so sweet and fun. They’ve run through my garden until there are hardly any plants left,” she laughed. “So worth it.”

She said sometimes the puppies already have names, but she and her kids have a lot of fun naming others before they go off to their new homes.

Dylan Walker and Katie Allen, who are students at Ole Miss, just had their first trial run with Mississippi Mutts after hearing about it through OLHS.

“We definitely plan on doing it again. Coming from two animal lovers, it was an amazing time,” Walker said.


Learn how to get involved, foster, and volunteer with Mississippi Mutts in the new year through their Facebook page.

Mississippi Mutts transfer truck
Mississippi Mutts volunteers load cages of strays onto a transport truck headed to Virginia. Photo by Olivia Wells

Photo by Olivia Wells

Mississippi Mutts puppy
Photo by Olivia Wells

Olivia Wells is an Oxford-based freelance writer. Covers Ole Miss Sports, Oxford Entertainment, Dining & More