Eating Oxford
Move on Up Mississippi Awards $25,000 to Local Nonprofits
Local Chef John Currence’s foundation Move On Up Mississippi (MOUM) is proud to announce contributions of more than $25,000 in community funding to four local health education programs. Funding decisions were made by MOUM’s eight board members: John Currence, John T. Edge, Robyn Tannehill, Mac Nichols, Kelly English, Afton Thomas, Eleanor Green, and Janae Owens.

Photo from Move on Up Mississippi’s website.
“Our board evaluates programs based on community needs, measurable outcomes, financial accountability, and innovation,” said John T. Edge, director of the Southern Foodways Alliance and president of the MOUM board. “MOUM is committed to building a stronger, more vibrant Lafayette County.”
Since 2014, MOUM has worked to mobilize resources to benefit local programs aligned with their mission to provide educational health and wellness programs to children living in Lafayette County. This year, MOUM board members evaluated eight applications during the foundation’s inaugural grant cycle. These four nonprofits became grantees:
Doors of Hope Transition Ministries (DOHTM) received a grant to implement their new program, Fresh Foods. The program will support regular fresh food deliveries to clients and provide educational opportunities to enhance clients’ knowledge of the benefits of purchasing and preparing quality food.
Oxford Community Market (OXCM) received a grant to support their ongoing Oh SNAP! marketing and outreach initiative. To build a welcoming, diverse local food community, OXCM provides outreach and consumer education for limited income shoppers and individuals and families eligible for SNAP and WIC.
Oxford School District’s Child Nutrition Department received a grant for professional development. The department and its staff are committed to providing healthy, fresh, and delicious meals to area students in a safe and clean environment.
Run Oxford received an MOUM grant to expand their Mighty Miler Youth Running Program. The program aims to take new youth runners and help them complete a 5k. Mighty Miler will also work with more experienced youth runners and prepare them for more competitive running.
“This year, we dedicated $25,000 to health and wellness programs serving Lafayette-Oxford-University,” said Janae Owens, MOUM board member. “For everyone involved in this process, these decisions have inspired a desire to work harder than ever to address unmet needs in our community.”
To donate or learn more about Move On Up Mississippi, please visit
Press release courtesy of Edy Dingus

Justin Peter
October 25, 2018 at 7:47 pm
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