Water Valley Mayor Vetoes Vote on Beer Ordinance
By Alyssa Schnugg
News Editor
The mayor of Water Valley, Donald Gray, vetoed a recent vote by the Board of Aldermen to remove a sentence from the town’s Beer Ordinance that said beer could only be ordered with the “anticipation” of a meal.
The board voted 3 to 2 to strike the portion of the ordinance requiring the meal during a special meeting on Jan. 11. Gray formerly vetoed the vote on Tuesday.
The board can overrule Gray’s veto if they can get a 4 to 1 vote in favor of removing the restriction.
Gray confirmed he vetoed the Board’s decision to Hottytoddy.com on Friday but said he did not want to comment further.
Section 7 of the ordinance reads: “No person or licensee under this ordinance shall sell give or dispense or permit to be sold given or dispensed beer or light wine to a patron without serving to such patron a meal therewith or anticipation thereof.”

Terry Warren, owner of these two buildings, claims he was “regulated out” by the city’s alcohol laws.
Photo provided by Mickey Howley
The special meeting on Jan. 11 was called after business owner Terry Warren filed for a permit to demolish two 140-year-old buildings on North Main Street, citing the city’s Beer Ordinance as the main reason he could not open a bar and restaurant in the buildings he purchased in 2017. He said after investing a million dollars in renovations of the two buildings, he would be better off financially to demolish and take the tax credit.
His first permit request was denied by the city’s engineer; however, he has re-filed his request to demolish and is awaiting a decision.
Earlier this month, the Board of Aldermen approved a resolution of intent to form a historic preservation commission that included a 180-day moratorium that would prevent any substantial demolition or alteration to any buildings in the existing downtown commercial or historic district.
The Water Valley Board of Aldermen will meet at 6:30 p.m. on Feb. 5 at City Hall.