Northpointe Subdivision on Edge as Dam Erodes
By Alyssa Schnugg
News Editor

Audubon Dam eroded and threatens to break through leaving Northpoint subdivision residents on edge.
Photos by Alyssa Schnugg
Lafayette County Emergency Management officials and sheriff’s deputies are on scene at the Northpointe subdivision monitoring the Audubon Dam that is quickly eroding causing concern for residents.
Earlier today, the National Weather Service issued a Flash Flood Warning for northwestern Lafayette County after it was reported that the Audubon Dam was about to fail, possibly causing flash flooding downstream in the Northpointe subdivision.
EMA Director Steve Quarles said the county was working with the Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality to bring in pumps to help reduce the level of water in the lake.
Several Northpointe residents gathered at a safe distance near the dam.
Quarles said with more rain expected this evening, the risk of the dam failing increases with each drop.
Check with Hottytoddy.com for updates to this story.

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