By Alyssa Schnugg
News Editor
Several Oxford roads will be closed for varying lengths of time over the next three weeks while construction companies rush to finish several projects.
On Saturday, Park Drive will be closed to through-traffic while M&N Construction installs a storm drain pipe. In the event of heavy rain, the road will be closed on April 13.
The Oxford Board of Aldermen approved the closing during their regular meeting Tuesday; however, the contractor must have flaggers to allow residents who live on Park Avenue on the road to get their homes; place a sign on Highway 30 to notify the public of the road closure and place fliers on mailboxes along Park Drive, Zilla Avent and Thomas Street to notify the resident of the closure.
On April 13 and possibly April 14, Frontage Road will be closed to allow SouthEastern Construction to install a sewer line to serve the LaQuinta Inn & Suites that is currently under construction.
The aldermen approved allowing work to be done 24 hours a day so that it can be completed as quickly as possible. Cambridge Station, Provence Park and the University Inn must be notified of the closure. A message board will be placed to notify the public of the closure.
City Engineer Reanna Mayoral asked the board to also require a one-year warranty bond in an amount to be set by engineering based on the costs of excavation 12-feet deep, crushed stone, asphalt, curb and gutter and other items to restore the road should the work not be completed.
In the event that work cannot proceed on the approved dates, the city’s Engineering and Oxford Police departments have the authority to approve an alternate date.
The longest road closure will be on Tyler Avenue that could be closed for up to 10 days from April 15 through April 24 to allow BSC, Inc. to lay brick at the 1200 Harrison development.
The aldermen set several conditions for closing the road.
The six metered parking spaces must be reserved by the contractor for the days the road is closed. Flagmen will be required at each end of the closure to make sure pedestrians do not enter the roadway. The board extended work hours from 6 a.m. to 8 p.m. including Sundays in hopes the project can be completed before April 24. The contractor must notify any adjacent business of the closure as soon as possible so they can make arrangement for delivery trucks.
The road closure was prompted when several bricks fell to the ground recently. No one was injured; however, closing the road was deemed in the best interest for the safety of residents and visitors to the downtown area by city officials.